viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

8 months have passed

haha i havent written during my whole exchange year, i just forgot completely i had a blog. But well, at least here i am. It has been already 8 months since i came to Denmark, and i cant imagine myself having another life that is not this one. The sun is finally shinning, after a hard "is-vinter", which was the first one in 14 years... lucky me! haha. It was an interesting experience though, is amazing how the danes change their whole lifestyle with the seasons. Food, clothing, colors, trips, personality haha.

Well, if someone is interested to know how these 8 months have been. here it is:

I couldnt ask for a better host family. They love me and support me as if i was their one child, but they dont treat me as a child, with them i am an equal in every situation. Coming to this family was like getting 2 awesome best friends. And the situation got even better when we got a new member in the family. Theres this guy called Kim, that leaves right next to us, and he spends half of his time with us. So, i could safely say that my best friends in Denmark have turned into Niels, Elisabet (parents) and Kim. amazing people.

About school now. I go to a place called Glamsbjerg Fri og Efterskole in a tiny town. The place is really relaxed. Right now i´m writting this sitting on a couch receiving the sun, while listening to music out loud in my homeroom haha. We dont do shit! we watch movies almost every day and smoke. besides that there´s not much more to say. My classmates are cool people, just like the school, they dont really care about much. Here you can come dressed like a porn-star, that they wouldnt say a word. I having really bonded with many, bcs we dont share many interests, but its been comfortable enough.

I love this island. Is completely flat and full of tiny hills and plantations. I live in the middle of nowhere, but it couldnt be better. It feels like having the whole island in your disposition. I often get this urge for just taking my ipod and walk and walk through the fields until i get tired. The biggest city in Fyn (my island) is called Odense, and is the third largest city in Denmark. I fell completely in love with it. Is beautiful and dinamic, although not crazy. Is small but it has everything you need, and when the sun shines and the temperature is over 12 degrees C, all the bars and coffee shops put their tables outside and ppl instantly get jolly and start buying ice-cream like maniacs... i just love it haha.

About my personal life now. I was lucky to get amazing exchange students in the same island. Some of us go to danish lessons in Odense twice a week, so weve turned into our family here.

About love. Well, i could say im in love. I found a random guy at a concert of a band i didnt even know that well in Copenhaguen. Since then weve been seing eachother as much as possible (cause the trains from copenhaguen to odense are to expensive). To be honest, I never thought i could like a dane before haha.

I guess thats it. oh, about travel. I went to Fareo Islands (even northern than Scotland haha) with my class, and i realized i wanna live there for a couple of years maybe. If there is a place in the world, you MUST visit before you die, is Fareo Islands. Is breathtakingly magnificent.
I also got to go to the northern border between Sweden and Norway in a ski-trip, which was incredibly amazing. I joined the scouts here in Denmark, and luckily they had this skiing trip almost for free. i guess ill post pictures someday (:

Goodbye readers! (if i have any)

domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

10 dias

Cuac, estoy muriendo de la ansiedad. 10 dias para ir a copenhague. Cada vez me voy apegando mas a los Hostrups :) son perfectos para mi. Hoy me di cuenta q tienen una shisha turca jojo. Y en general son muy relajados y open-minded. Me imagino q van a ser buenos amigos, xq la verdad no los veo como papas.

Ya la maleta esta casi lista, esta repleta. Lo q queda en mi closet es minimo, solo para no andar chinga estos dias. Callie llego hoy, la esperamos en el parqueo de Mc Donald´s. Y ha sido genial desde q llego. Le hicimos un almuerzo cool y la llevamos a la finca y a dar vueltas por Heredia centro para q conosca el barrio :) ya las cosas de ella estan en el closet. Y dormimos en mi diminuto cuarto juntas. Ahora nos dio regalos y nos trajo un monton de cosas de queso plastico jaja xq wisconsin es el estado del queso :) y blusas y cosas para perros y varas de wisconsin.

Bueno, blogeare en unos dias antes de irme ;D

viernes, 26 de junio de 2009


Un dia de estos me di cuenta que Ludvig, mi hermano anfitrion, es autista. El mae tiene 8 años y al parecer pasa jugando video juegos y saltando en el trampolin todo el dia. Creo que va a ser demaciado interesante convivir todos los dias con una persona asi. Me interesa demaciado saber que clase de conducta o patrones tiene y con suerte encontrar una manera de infiltranme en su mundo. Se me va a ser tan intrigante ver sus limitaciones en terminos de comunicacion e intentar comunicarme usando medios que no sean el lenguaje ni los mensajes corporales. cuac, me estoy haciendo demaciadas iluciones jaja.


Ayer Francine, una estudiante de intercambio de Alaska que vive en Fyn, nos envio a los proximos estudiantes de intercambio de la isla los emails de cada uno para que nos podamos conocer antes de llegar. La lista es de 13 personas, incluyendo los 3 estudiantes que llegaron en diciembre. Me alegro mucho ver que hay gente de todo lado, China-Colombia-Australia-Thailandia-Italia-Francia-Brazil-Rep. Dominicana-Nueva Zelanda y Guatemala :)

Tambien me di cuenta que mi persona contacto en Dinamarca va a ser Bjarke, que me contacto x medio de facebook y se nota q es exc.

Solo falta un mes para irme y me falta demaciado que hacer, incluyendo disfrutar lo maximo posible julio con la gente que no se va de viaje estas vacaciones. Mañana va a ser la ultima vez que vea a Cata, Emma y Jose en nuestra fiesta de despedida donde Douglas hasta cuando vuelva :( ojala que pueda sink in eso pronto.

Este es el mapa de donde esta ubicado el pueblo en el que voy a vivir... Norre Broby.

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Special thanks to Francine and all my luck to her in her last week in Denmark.

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

receta de avena

Receta para el mejor fresco de avena del mundo:

2 tazas de leche
1 taza de agua
hielo al gusto
2 cucharaditas de canela
2-3 cucharadas de azucar
una cucharadita de vainilla
3-4 cucharadas de avena

Esta es mi cena todos los dias. Que la disfruten. Receta sacada de la mente de Ginnete Vargas, mi mama.

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sábado, 20 de junio de 2009

Niels and Elisabet

I've been writting to my host family lately, and bcs AFS hasn't sent me the family info package i hadn't seen any pictures of them, until today, when my lovely host dad sent me a few :) Here are some of them.

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This is Elisabet.

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William and Ludvig

Image and video hosting by TinyPic The farm

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martes, 16 de junio de 2009


Oh i just figured out I haven't written anything about Callie. Miss Callie Miller is my new host sister. She's going to be living in my room for a semester while I'm in Denmark. The story goes like this: I found out Callie was comming to CR like one month ago through Facebook. I told her *bcs she is vegetarian too* that if she needed any tips on vegetarian places in CR, to just send me a message, and well she did. So we started talking through fb, and later through msn and she told me that she had a friend from Wisconsin who lived in Puriscal for a year w. AFS too. I told Callie something like "poor girl, puriscal is incredibly depressing" and it turned out that the next day she got the same family in Puriscal. Callie was really upset so I asked my parents if it was possible that she could stay w. us, They said yes, so we called AFS and made all the arrangements. A couple of weeks later they told us that they swaped Callie and another girl. So, she's comming here :D she gets here like the 17th, so we'll be sharing room for a week or two :)

Host Family- The Hostrups

today i received my host family :D Francine *from alaska, exchange student in Fyn* told me that she found out through her host dad that I was going to live on Fyn. Later she told me the actual town, which is Broby :) a tiny town near Odense. But todaaay, i got the actual names and ages of the family members. I have two younger brothers, Ludvig and William, they're 8 & 11. My host parents are called Niels and Elisabet. As soon as i got the adress i researched it in google earth and founf out that i'm going to be living in a farm :) is completely sorrounded by fields and the house has another big building behind that i still don't know what it is. They also seem to have a kind of stable :) I wrote my first email to Elisabet today, I hope she answers back tomorrow. I'll post a picture of the house later. Right now i'm waiting for AFS to send me more info on the family :) wish me luck. (also bcs i'm in finals right now). oooooh and mer *from turkey* is sending me a letter, she said i'll receive it in 6-10 days. Oh i forgot to say, the family's last name is Hostrup.